Monday, September 29, 2008

Zeena Has Landed....

So Zeena's Mom and I saw off Zeena and her Dad on Sunday afternoon at LAX. They got their flight on time and landed in London at about 2AM our time.
I got my very early morning text along with some requests for tech support to help her figure out some cell phone settings for their phones. FYI, we got our cell phone SIM cards unlocked so we can use local carriers for less cost, we'll let you know how that works out in future posts.

So now I just got word that Zeena and her Dad have landed in Mumbai and they're on their way to get some rest since it's about 1 AM in the morning local time for them. Everyone is doing ok and looks like phone, email, and blackberry messenger are working well (just a little slower than normal which is to be expected when you're 8000 miles apart!).


Rajni said...
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Rajni said...

Happy to hear about the safe arrival of Zeena.

We watched Zaleeya's video. She is soooo beautiful and cute, a true gift from god.

Can't wait to meet her.


FarahlivefromKabul said...

Can't wait to see you guys!!! :)

Joel Madison said...

Amazzzzzzzzing..I got the chills..I just read the entire blog up until now and am just blown away and feel like I am standing in Mumbai too..the video, just sent me into tears...just can't wait to meet Zaleeya, she is just beautiful.;)

XOXO Jen:))