Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blogging during NAP TIME!

Sorry it's been forever since we've blogged. I can't believe the holidays are here and it's been chaotic!

We went to Vancouver 2 weeks ago for the Thanksgiving Holiday! Yes we braved another plane flight but luckily this one was less than 3 hours and a piece of cake. Zaleeya continues to grow developmentally and has even gained a whole pound since she's been home! Her new favorite developmental exploration is placing objects "inside" each other. I giggle all time as she's fascinated with putting things down and inside her top. Not funny though when attempting to change a diaper and finding graham cracker crumbs!

Vancouver was probably premature but it was good timing to meet a whole slew of family at once due to our Imam's visit there (visit for more info on this). She slept pretty well and ate decently but did end up catching a cold from the chilly weather. :( Aspirating a runny toddlers nose is NO FUN!

She's getting closer and closer to walking. We posted a video below so you can see a few of her first unsupported steps. Daddy is a good walking teacher. I can't wait to see how it goes when he teaches her to DRIVE!

We opted for a small tabletop tree after much contemplation this year to avoid having to stop her from eating the tree all the time. I am happy we have a tree and daddy is happy it's small enough to toss in the trash can at the end of the season. Zaleeya didn't even notice the tree's existence.

Anyhow this will be a short but sweet entry for now since her naptime is almost over! I will be better about posting in the coming weeks...


Thom said...

What a perfect little video to capture of her first few steps.


Peter and Nancy said...

I'm glad your flight was okay, and no one had an horrible flashbacks! It's so great that you get to see her learning to walk, and didn't miss that big milestone. :o)
-- Nancy

Anonymous said...

The video is so cute. I love the surprise ending! She has the best smile and funny faces. What a cutie.

Julie & Patrick said...

Glad to hear that you all are finding bits of your normal life back. Traveling again was very brave :)

Congrats on the weight gain too!!

Julie R

Candice said...

You quickly learn to take advantage of those precious minutes or hours of naptime! :) Glad she is doing so well.


Neeshalicious said...

Omg! I actually clapped and said "yay!" out loud when she walked at the end! :P Too cute!! :) And the "happy - sad - happy - sad" faces were adorable! She's totally gonna laugh about that when she watches this when she's older!

<3, Neesh

angie tucker said...

Oh my goodness! I'm loving the silly faces! Laughed so hard I cried!

Anyway, congrats on the walking...she's such a cutie!

Mia & Emy's mom