Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Day Baby Z Went Down!

I apologize for a long break between posts. Being home now is all consuming, especially since Zaleeya is definately bonding with her parents and getting more demanding of us each day.

But let me back up. Feeling conident and finally excited about our new (adorable) daughter, Azeem and I embarked on one too many trips outside the home last Friday. At the time Zaleeya seemed ok. She fussed a lot getting in and out of the car seat but eventually calmed down and often snoozed while the car was in motion. We attempted a nap that day which barely lasted and then that night her sleep was quite erratic - up every hour or two. Saturday was worse; she didn't nap at all! Both of us started to melt down, especially me and we could tell Zaleeya was especially cranky feeding off my stressed out energy. It's amazing the thoughts that go through your mind when under extreme sleep deprivation!

Finally, again, we called for reinforcements. First I posted on the Dillon adoption forums for tips of how to overcome our problems, then we called in my in-laws for a relief break. The Dillon moms were amazing in reminding us how easily stimulated these adopted children can get in the beginning. We have to remember that ALL she saw for 14 MONTHS was the inside of 4 walls. So we decided to slow way down out trips and visitors, knowing that down the line we can resume our active social schedules. As for Saturday night, Mom and Dad saved the day by helping us feed and put her to sleep. She slept for 12 hours that night and Azeem and I escaped for a 45 min sushi date!! We have decided that for my mental state to remain positive for baby Z, I will need to escape from our home for an hour or two every few days.

As for Zaleeya now, she has gotten more clingy and needy of us, which everyone says is normal and good for the attachment process. It can be overwhelming, as its impossible to get anything done! She continues to speak more and smile and dance. Early early mornings are her best times as she is a super babbler and we've included some fun video of this. This gives new meaning 'of "egg on your face!" She and I have a favorite song now (Alicia Keys "No One") as we listen to the radio most of the day. She enjoys her new stroller but is still apprehensive to try a swing at the park. She loves to play with paper and tupperware and is warming up to playing in the bathtub. The most fun thing to watch is her bond with Ziggy as she genuinely smiles and giggles sometimes when he shows up and surprises her. And he is warming to her now frequently sniffing and licking and even snuggling with me now in the bed in her room.

Anyhow its 6am now and the house should be awaking soon so Ill sign off! Enjoy the video...


Anonymous said...

You are doing GREAT! I can't even imagine how scary this is all for Zaleeya. It has to be over whelming for both of you as well. It sounds like you are starting to really bond together as a family unit. My wish for all of you, is that this time will be a distant memory replaced with many wonderful hours of love, laughter and sunshine days.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

OMG toooo adorable!! you guys are doing a great job as new parents! she looks so happy :) p.s. keep up with the home videos and photos- they will be VERY cherished when she grows up. i wish i had more of myself and my parents are photographers!!! i checked back every 6 hours or so to see your new post- im addicted to your blog ! take care and keep up your hard work. little Z is definately benefiting from having two loving parents and a much better environment. love, jamila

Julie & Patrick said...

Her jabber in the video is so cute. She looks like she is doing great. It is also interesting to hear how you guys, the parents, are figuring out what works for all of you...sometimes that means it is not all about the baby :) Mom and dad have needs too :)

Great job!!
Julie R

The Pfeiffer Family said...

Zaleeya is so adorable. My two boys think she is so cute and loved watching the video. They wonder if their sister will look like Zaleeya..too cute. Zaleeya looks healthy and happy. Sounds like things are getting a bit easier and you are beginning to find a groove. Great job!! This is quite an adjustment for everybody! Keep up the good work.

April #6 non-NRI waiting for Alesha

Neeshalicious said...

OMG that is wayyyyyyy too cute!!! I LOVED the video clip! And the pic of you and Z is absolutely beautiful :) I'm getting impatient for Nov 26 to roll around...!! But thanks for posting on the blog, even though your lives are hectic beyond belief. It's the first thing I sign on to when I get to class in the mornings... Perez Hilton has officially been BOOTED and replaced w/ stories of Baby Z :)

this One's for the girls said...

She is SO adorable! Anya Rashi giggled while watching the video clip with me, and asked to watch is again. :o)

You're doing a great job improvising and finding out what works best for the three of you!
-- Nancy

Anonymous said...

I love the video - Zaleeya is so cute. Being a parent is such a learning process. We are always trying to figure things out. You're doing great! Your blog is wonderful too!